Hospital Cave, Cat Ba Island - review by Rusty Compass
Cat Ba Island | see and do guide

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Hospital Cave, Cat Ba Island

| 11 Apr 2012


Hospital Cave, Cat Ba Island
Towards national park 10kms from Cat Ba Town

Our rating
11 Apr 2012

Cat Ba's position at the head of Haiphong harbour made it an important strategic location in the Vietnam War. Hospital Cave is a remnant of that time.

Note: The information provided in this review was correct at time of publishing but may change. For final clarification please check with the relevant service

This vast cave over three levels 10kms from Cat Ba town was used as a hospital and a military base during the "American War". The tour guide is a wonderful character though the available history is light.

There are reports that the first US POW in Vietnam, Everett Alvarez, was briefly held here after being shot down in 1964. We're not sure. The cave is clearly marked on the main road to the National Park from Cat Ba town.
Mark Bowyer
Mark Bowyer is the founder and publisher of Rusty Compass.
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