Right on the Saigon River at start of start of historic Dong Khoi St. A great downtown location with good access to everything in Saigon. The riverfront is busy and noisy.
The Hotel Majestic opened in 1925 and was the city's premier hotel at that time. It’s the only colonial era hotel with river views and the river certainly makes for interesting viewing. Downside? Unfortunately one of Saigon's busiest truck laden streets also runs along the river. Don't be conjuring serene riverside cocktails - instead prepare for a hectic, if fascinating, Saigon spectacle.

Photo: Mark BowyerMajestic Hotel, Saigon
Like the Continental a few hundred metres along Dong Khoi St, the Majestic gets a few mentions in Graham Greene's The Quiet American. And like the Continental, the Majestic's post 1975 owners have been at best, ordinary heritage custodians.
Design, ambience and people
Plenty of the features of the original 1925 building have been removed over the decades - take a look at the postcards of the original building and you’ll see for yourself. But the Hotel Majestic still has charm.
The lobby is cavernous and soulless. Tiny lifts were installed in a cheap 1990s renovation where plenty of other damage was done.
More recent upgrades have been modest but definitely in the right direction.

Photo: Mark BowyerMajestic Hotel, Saigon
Rooms are in colonial style, most with parquetry floors - they are due for a freshening up. Standard rooms are best avoided as many don’t have windows.
The rooftop is still one of the best places to look over the city and river life - perfect for a late afternoon drink.
The Hotel Majestic has been in the hands of the city government for most of its post 1975 life and is still working its way out of that feel. Staff reflect both the old state-owned Majestic and the new - eager to please - culture. The best of the staff are excellent.
Small pool, free wifi, courtyard, rooftop bar, breakfast
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