It's worth spending half a day wandering through the Old Quarter. There's a fair chance you'll be staying in or close by so you may even enjoy becoming a temporary resident.

Photo: Mark BowyerHanoi's Old Quarter
Uncle Ho's former residence at 48 Hang Ngang is the Museum of Independence and has recently been renovated. The traditional house at 87 Ma May has been nicely restored and is open for visitors. It beautifully demonstrates how clever design allowed such long narrow houses to enjoy plenty of air flow and natural light - lessons seemingly lost in many more contemporary Hanoi designs.

Photo: Mark BowyerThese sellers have worked out that tourists like to try balancing these baskets and now charge a small fee - all in good fun. Even better, buy some fresh fruit and you can do it for free.
There are many good local and more upscale restaurants to be found here. Many of the city's legendary pho and bun cha stalls are mixed up through the Old Quarter. And the original home of delicious cha ca, Cha Ca La Vong is fortuitously located on Cha Ca St.
Walking is fun if at times a challenge as you weave through fast moving motorcycles to cross the street and around parked ones to walk the streets. Keep your wits about you.
A cyclo is a very good way to make your initial foray and get some get some basic orientation. Make sure you agree a price first.
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