War Remnants Museum Saigon - Rusty Compass travel blog

War Remnants Museum Saigon

| 19 Jun 2009
, 0 Comment
19 Jun 2009

The Vietnamese sense of irony is impeccable - which is probably why they selected the former offices of the US Information Service (USIS) as the location  for the War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the Museum of American War Crimes).

This museum is a disturbing experience. It graphically recounts the the Vietnam War from the perspective of the victors. Many of the exhibits and pictures are graphic (defoliant affected foetuses, pictures of hideous atrocities) - but they tell an important story - from the other side.

Photo: Mark BowyerWar Remnants Museum, Saigon

The War Remnants Museum is unashamedly propagandist - and it will prompt some reflection on the propagandist function of museums in Vietnam and everywhere.

The Requiem photo gallery at the museum, comprises images taken by photojournalists killed in action from both sides of the conflict. It is one of the most powerful anti war exhibits you'll ever encounter. Requiem was put together by iconic Vietnam War photographers, Tim Page and Horst Faas


Mark Bowyer
Mark Bowyer is the founder and publisher of Rusty Compass.
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