GAM - Gem Art Museum, Hoi An - review by Rusty Compass
Hoi An | see and do guide

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GAM - Gem Art Museum, Hoi An

| 22 Nov 2014


GAM - Gem Art Museum, Hoi An
130 Nguyen Thai Hoc St., Hoi An
+84 510 393 8468

Our rating
22 Nov 2014

GAM stands for Gem Art Museum - this is a private museum, jewellery store, bar and lounge in a beautiful villa close by Hoi An’s Japanese Bridge.

Note: The information provided in this review was correct at time of publishing but may change. For final clarification please check with the relevant service


GAM is a private museum of gems collected by Hanoi native Dung Duong. GAM’s website says it’s "the most extensive collection of rare minerals, gem sculptures and cut stones in Vietnam.”

So if gems are your thing, check out GAM.

Mr Dung’s daughter, Milan educated designer, Nga Duong, inherited her father’s love of stones. Along with her Italian husband, she’s created, a jewellery shop of her own designs and a garden bar, next to the museum.

Admission to the museum is free if you have a drink at the garden bar at the back. The bar’s open into the night.

Mark Bowyer
Mark Bowyer is the founder and publisher of Rusty Compass.
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